Thursday, January 2, 2014

Featured Item of the Week - Alexa Isaac (GVG) Volunteer

The Barefoot Book of Earth Tales is a beautiful book which allows the reader to reach into the earth’s embrace through indigenous folk tales and crafts which draw on the earth for their essence. Featuring stories and crafts from Australia, Nigeria, the American Southwest, Bali, Kazakhstan, and Wales, each highlights our interconnectedness and common origin as the diverse yet similar citizens of the earth. While the book is written in a way that accommodates young readers, listeners, and participants, it touches on fundamental themes which have enduring and increasing importance. What is our relationship with the earth? This relationship is filled with surprises and amazement, and often necessitates shifts in perspective. On the left inside flap of the book is read:

“What do you believe about the world you live in? Have you ever been surprised by the kindness of an animal, or found in a tree, or simply been amazed by the landscapes around you? Have you ever worried about the fragility of the natural world and wondered what you could do to protect it?”

Such questions characterize the progressive inquisitiveness of the book, which supports the kind of understanding that fosters responsibility. What new facets of our relationship with the earth and her citizens can we discover? And now that we know the earth better, what can we do to better respect and appreciate her?

This vibrantly illustrated book makes a great gift for children, families, and the young at heart. The universal themes presented and fascinating introductions to the cultures featured in the book provide a fertile place for thoughts and interests to grow, making it a book with potential for sustained discovery and enjoyment.