Friday, August 3, 2012

Fair Trade Federation

Here is some information from the Fair Trade Federation.  Check it out!!

FTF logo
Dear FTF Members, 

August already - time to start checking things off of the summer bucket list.  What are you determined to accomplish before summer is over?  (My list is too long to mention - I suspect I'm not the only one!)
1. Fair Trade Principles Handout:  We're always looking for ways to spread the word about fair trade!  So, we've developed a new handout that explains the nine Fair Trade Principles in an easy to read format.  Click here to download a pdf version that is ready for you to cut, print and distribute. Click here to download a powerpoint version that is customizable with your organization's own logo and tagline.  

Wholesalers, these make great "box stuffers" to add into your shipments.  Retailers and cafes, we hope these help you educate consumers about fair trade.  (And, as always, a complete description of the Principles is available at

2. FTF Listserrvs and Google GroupsWe've created two new google groups to help FTF members connect and share information.  And, of course, our existing listserrvs are still up and running.  Join the groups that are most relevant to your business (and feel free to join more than one!)

-NEW! Commodities and Agricultural Wholesalers-  To join, send an email to
-NEW! Cafe Network - To join, send an email to
-Retailers: To join, send an e-mail to
-Wholesalers: To join, send an e-mail to
-FTF members (general): To join, send an e-mail to
Have a great weekend, 
Renee Bowers
Executive Director
Fair Trade Federation